dijous, 29 de novembre del 2012

My last summer holidays

Hello I'm Laura and these is my oral presentation about my last summer holidays 
First I'm talking about my two weeks in Plymouth. Second I'm talking about Tossa de Mar and finally my rest of the summer in Serinyà.
So, let's start!
In the eight of July I went to Plymouth.
Plymouth is a big village located in the south-west of England. 
There I stay with a family especially in the night, and in the day I stay with my friends. Every morning I do classes and in the afternoons we do different things for example one day we went to the aquarium, another day in the bowling, in the zoo etc. And on Tuesdays nights we went to the disco, it was very fun.Before activities Anna, Claudia, another valencian girls and me we went to the shopping center.At 7 o'clock I returned in the family's house with the bus and I had lunch with the French girl.
Second I went to Tossa de Mar a lot of days, five of these days I stay with my friends Paula and Marta.It was beery fun; because every morning we went to the beach and in the afternoons we do different things for example go shopping or go to the bowling. 
And finally I return to Serinyà and I went to the horse club or stay with my friends and one day I went to the Festa Flashback. 
This is all thanks for your attention bye!

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